Piano Music Scales:
Fingers and Notes
Piano music scales often use the same finger pattern. Some however are different and depend on which black notes come up in that particular scale.
Here you'll find piano scales in the treble and bass clef with their fingering.
Piano Scales Fingering
Most scales have the same fingering.
Right hand:
RH: 1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5
Left hand:
LH: 5,4,3,2,1,3,2,1
Some scales have particular fingering because the placement of the black keys in the scale or key signature.
Remember that for both hands, your thumbs are "1" and your pinkies are "5".
Some of these scales can be called by 2 different names. I will use the easiest name for the scale but also let you know what the other name is.
The Piano Music Scales:
C Major Scale
G Major Scale
D Major Scale
A Major Scale
E Major Scale
B Major Scale - also Cb Major Scale
F Major Scale
Bb Major Scale
Eb Major Scale
Ab Major Scale
Db Major Scale - also C# Major Scale
Gb Major Scale - also F# Major Scale
If you want to play these scales more
than one octave this is what you do: in most scales, replace finger 5 with finger 1 and start the
pattern over again. Reverse
the pattern of the fingering for going back down again.Those
are all of the major scales. Happy practising!
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