To understand basic rhythm, you need to know the values of certain
notes. This means basically that some notes you need to hold down
longer than others.
Each note has a number/count/beat associated with it. Here are the ones you would learn in your first year of piano lessons:
Dotted Half Note: 3 Beats |
Half Note: 2 Beats |
Dotted Quarter Note: 1.5 Beats |
Quarter Note: 1 Beat |
2 Eighth Notes = 1 Beat
Note Name: | Looks Like: | Number of beats: |
Whole Note | 4 | |
Half Note | 2 | |
Quarter Note | 1 | |
8th Note | .5 | |
Dotted Quarter Note | 1.5 |
Here's a basic video on how long to hold the notes:
Here are some exercises to help you practice learning about rhythm. If
you play them on the piano (or any other instrument), use any finger
you want to. (You can copy, paste and print them if it's easier for
This last exercise is a little advanced for beginners. Don't worry if
you don't get it right off the bat. Just practice and get used to the
different rhythms.
Use this simple test below to test your learning.
Find more free quizzes and games to help you learn rhythm.
If you're ready, learn more about the different rhythm symbols.
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