Gospel Chords
When learning gospel chords, there are a few chord types that are important to know. These chords come up again and again. If you can master these, you shouldn't have too much difficulty when in a band situation.
(If this is not exactly what you're looking for, take a look at Learn To Play Gospel Piano or How to Play Gospel for Beginners. )
Chord Types You Need To Know
Major and Minor Chords
You must learn major and minor chords. They are the root of all others. If you have learned piano before and know about scales, than these chords are easy.
Note: If you've never learned piano before and know nothing of scales AND this is something you don't want to learn at the moment, you may want to start out by downloading the Ultimate Chord Cheat Sheet at the bottom on this page.
Major Chord: the 1st, 3rd, and 5th notes of the scale. Ex. C. The notes you'd play for the C chord are C E G.
Minor Chord: the 1st, lowered* 3rd, and 5th notes of the scale.
*Lowered means lower the note by one semi-tone - B to Bb. Ex. cm.
The C major scale:
The C chord:
The C minor chord:
7th Chords
7th chords are built from the major and minor chords. You must add the 7th note of the scale and then lower it by a semi-tone.
7th Chord: the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and lowered 7th notes of the major scale. Ex. C7.
Minor 7th Chord: the 1st, lowered 3rd, 5th, and lowered 7th notes of the major scale. Ex. cm7.
Major 7th Chord: the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th notes of the major scale. Ex. CM7.
Suspended Chords
Suspended chords are a little less common and if you get stuck while in band practice, just play a major chord. The suspended chord uses the 4th note instead of the 3rd note.
Suspended Chord: 1st, 4th and 5th notes of the major scale. Ex. C4 or Csus.
Next Steps:
The best way to really get going now is to learn the chords and start to play.
I'd recommend the following steps:
- Download the Ultimate Chord Cheat Sheet below.
- Search for a favourite gospel song plus the word "chords".
- Work out the chords for that song from the cheat sheet and start playing them.
Simple songs to start with:
- How Great Is Our God
- Lord I Lift Your Name On High
If you want to play along with a Youtube video, both of the songs above are usually played in G (and G should be the first chord on the chord sheet.)
Free Download:
Ultimate Chord Cheat Sheet
Subscribe below and get free access to the (printable) Ultimate Chord Cheat Sheet.
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All the best in learning these chords. It just takes time and practice. Enjoy!
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