Name the Music Notes Quiz
In the name the music notes quiz games below you need to identify the correct location of notes on the treble clef and bass clef.
These are all free music note games so enjoy! And good luck!
Find The Music Note Games - Bass Clef
For the following games, click on the spot you think the note should go. Some will have more than one correct spot so just choose one.
Need tips? I've put them on the bottom of this page - click here.
Find the G note on the bass clef
Find the A note on the bass clef
Find the B note on the bass clef
Find the C note on the bass clef
Find the D note on the bass clef
Find the E note on the bass clef
Find the F note on the bass clef
Find The Music Note Games - Treble Clef
Find the E note on the treble clef
Find one of the E notes on the treble clef
Find one of the F notes on the treble clef
Find the G note on the treble clef
Find the A note on the treble clef
Find the B note on the treble clef
Find the C note on the treble clef
Find the D note on the treble clef
Tips for Naming Music Notes
You don't need to rely on just memorization to learn the bass and treble clef notes. Eventually, that is a great idea but for now, you can use sayings to remember the notes on lines and spaces.
Note Naming Tip#1
Remember that the music alphabet goes from line to space to line to space. So if you have one note that you can remember - like G on the bottom line in the bass clef - you can count up using this method.
G on bottom line
A on bottom space above G
B on the next line up above A.
And so on.
Note Naming Tip #2
Remember the sayings. There is a full explanation of this on the reading piano notes page. Just know that you can memorize sayings the correspond to the lines and spaces in both the treble clef and bass clef.
Here are the saying I use:
Treble Clef Lines
Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
Treble Clef Spaces
Bass Clef Lines
Great Big Ducks Fly Away
Bass Clef Spaces
All Cows Eat Grass
Remember that the sayings start from the bottom line or space and go upwards.
More Resources:
How to read piano notes & music
How to read music above and below the lines
Music rhythm symbols
How to count beats in music
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