Piano Notes Games
Ready to get your notes down? Here are a number of little games to help you learn the names of the notes.
Ready to learn the notes above and below the clefs? This little game will help you to match the note to the letter name.
(Need help? Visit the Piano Notes Above & Below Staff page to learn more about these.)
Piano Notes Ledger Line Game
Drag the note to the correct letter name. If it bounces back it's incorrect.
Tip: remember the music alphabet gets counted by going line - space - line - space.
Note: if you find the pictures too small, click the blue arrows to enlarge the game.

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Find a piano notes chart for treble clef and bass clef notes as well as the different types of notes.
In this free quiz game you need to name the notes of the bass and treble clef
Learn or get better at the names of the piano keys with the piano keys game. They're free & will help you get the notes down.
Try this Major Piano Chords Quiz
Take the Minor Piano Chords Quiz
Learn what the piano key notes are (it's all a pattern) including black and white keys, diagrams, sharps and flats.
Learn about the types of notes and their beats, sharps and flats, and how to read piano music notes.
Try to get a good score and time on this Bass Clef Memory Game Quiz
Try this drag and drop music notes game to learn faster.
See a piano notes diagram of where the notes on the piano keyboard match with the notes on the staff.
Learn about piano notes - what they are and how to read them. Check out the video lessons!
Here's a reference of the piano notes that are above and below the staff in both the bass clef and treble clef.
Test and grow your skills with this sharps and flats piano notes quiz
More pages that might help:
Nov 20, 23 10:21 PM
Find a piano notes chart for treble clef and bass clef notes as well as the different types of notes.
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Oct 24, 23 12:20 AM
Learn how to play the D chord on piano with diagram, fingering, D/A, D/F# and a theory explainer.
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Oct 09, 23 09:23 PM
Learn the different diminished piano chords and how to make them. Here you'll find both a diminished chord chart and an explanation.
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