Are you ready for a scales challenge? Yes? Great!
This challenge has been put together to help you to concentrate on learning and improving your scales over an 8 week period.
You can be a beginner, intermediate player or more advanced player.
Learning major scales can be very beneficial for a number of reasons:
As I teach a lot about chords and learning chords, they are actually my primary motivation for putting together this challenge. A lot of what you and other struggle with, can be improved upon by knowing scales.
This challenge is for everyone.
At the beginning of the challenge, I will outline the different ways you can play and practice scales so that it will benefit you at which ever level you are at now. Beginners could benefit and I could benefit.
When you sign up you will get a Scale Tracker PDF download (it's free) you can print to track your progress and learning.
Nov 20, 23 10:21 PM
Oct 24, 23 12:20 AM
Oct 09, 23 09:23 PM