Join The 8 Week Essential Major Scales Challenge

Are you ready for a scales challenge? Yes? Great!

This challenge has been put together to help you to concentrate on learning and improving your scales over an 8 week period

You can be a beginner, intermediate player or more advanced player.

An Introduction Into The Challenge:

Join The 12 Essential Piano Scales Challenge Here

Scales teach us more than movement, they help you to know and understand key signatures and chord formulas.

Signing up here will get you your Scale Tracker PDF for the challenge.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Why Do The Challenge?

    Learning major scales can be very beneficial for a number of reasons:

    • it helps hand coordination
    • helps bring dexterity and fluency to your fingers
    • you'll learn the major keys (key signatures)
    • learning key signatures will help you with chords, improvising and reading music
    • you'll understand chord formulas

    As I teach a lot about chords and learning chords, they are actually my primary motivation for putting together this challenge. A lot of what you and other struggle with, can be improved upon by knowing scales. 

    What You Need To Know

    This challenge is for everyone.

    At the beginning of the challenge, I will outline the different ways you can play and practice scales so that it will benefit you at which ever level you are at now. Beginners could benefit and I could benefit. 

    When you sign up you will get a Scale Tracker PDF download (it's free) you can print to track your progress and learning. 

    Sign Up for the Scales Challenge Here:

    Join The 12 Essential Piano Scales Challenge Here

    Scales teach us more than movement, they help you to know and understand key signatures and chord formulas.

    Signing up here will get you your Scale Tracker PDF for the challenge.

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
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