Key Signatures of the Bass
What are they? Key signatures of the bass clef can sometimes be more
difficults to remember. I guess because we tend to use the treble clef
more, it's easier.
One thing that's helpful to remember is that on the staff, the sharps
and flats begin one line down from the treble clef. They generally
follow the same pattern.
Here they are, sharp key signatures first, flat key signatures second.
The Keys With
Key |
Image |
G Major |
D Major |
A Major |
E Major |
B Major |
F# Major |
C# Major |
The Keys with
Key |
Image |
F Major |
Bb Major |
Eb Major |
Ab Major |
Db Major |
Gb Major |
Cb Major |
Those are the key signatures of the bass clef. If you need to know more
about key signatures, check out the main
signatures page. There's information on how the key
signatures work and how to remember them.
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Signatures Bass Clef
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